[This post is modified from a post I wrote last year. You can find the original article here.]
12. Two words: Magic Spray. You would be amazed at how many seemingly traumatic injuries are healed by a spritz from the magic bottle and a pat or two from a sponge.
11. It will give you something to talk about with just about anyone who is not from the U.S. Here’s a tip: in most other countries the sport is referred to as football. I know, how novel—a sport that is actually played with the feet is called football.
10. There are fights. Maybe it is wrong that I enjoy
testosterone-ridden confrontations, but I know there are enough hockey fans out
there who will appreciate this as well.
9. 1 goal = 1 point on the
scoreboard. This just makes sense to
me. And I like things that make sense.
8. Our women’s national team is
actually really good. Yes, we lost the
World Cup final last year, but we made it to the final, which is more than can
be said for our men’s team (who I love with all my heart). Which ties in with
7. Hope Solo. Seriously, the woman could be a model. And she’s a beast in the goal.
6. “Soccer season” never really
ends. There is always a qualifier,
friendly, cup, play-off, or regular season match being played somewhere in the
world. Which is good for us addicts and
bad for our friends and family.
5. David Beckham. C’mon, this is a freebie. In case anyone has forgotten, he is indeed a
soccer player and still a very good one.
The phrase “Bend it like Beckham” refers to more than just a Keira
Knightley film. Do yourself a favor. Check out one of his free kicks (and his
gorgeous face) for yourself at a Los Angeles Galaxy game.
4. NO TIME-OUTS! Time-outs are for wimps. I'm kidding... kind of.
3. You haven’t seen crazy fans
until you’ve seen soccer fans. In many
other countries they start riots and smash cars. In the U.S., they are a little more subdued,
but still intensely passionate (see: Timbers Army). These people actually have their own
entrances and exits at stadiums, and visiting fan groups are generally escorted
by security. They can be heard singing
and chanting and occasionally cussing out an opposing player or misguided
referee for the full 90+ minutes of a game, regardless of whether their team is
winning or losing. (Shout out to the
1906 Ultras! Go San Jose Earthquakes!)
2. It is called the beautiful game
for a reason. Beautiful plays, beautiful
spirit, and yes, beautiful people.
1. Your awesomeness level will go
way up in my book. (This may or may not
be the top reason for you, feel free to mix and match from all of the above!)
We want to know: why do you love soccer?
Love #6. I love being able to watch soccer all year round and get to experience the different leagues around the world.